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Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers for evaluation by the Scientific Committee.


Papers written in English (until 10-page limit) must follow the formatting rules for Proceedings in Springer series (see Instructions for Authors at Springer Website / Word Template).


Articles submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese (up to a maximum of 15 pages) must comply with the format of RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (download instructions/template for authors in Spanish or Portuguese).

Alternatively, papers written in English, Spanish or Portuguese can also be published in the E3-Journal or RTIC Journal (template for authors).


The version of these papers for evaluation by the Scientific Committee, saved in PDF format, must not include the authors' identification, e-mail and affiliation. This information must only be available in the camera-ready version of accepted papers, saved in Word or Latex format and PDF format.
These files must be accompanied by the
Consent to Publish Volume 1 (articles from 1 to 150) Volume 2 (articles from 151 to 305) (Signed with the handwritten digital signature) (only for Springer) filled out, in a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management system.



To submit or upload a paper, please go to the Conference site for submissions


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