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Today's societies, too much or too little, are all information societies, in which the constant technological increase has facilitated the creation of cultural and educational environments capable of diversifying the sources and forms of access to information and knowledge. Educational institutions, as open systems, have to adapt to changes, follow social demands and, in particular, correspond to the expectations of their students.


The digital transformation in terms of teaching and learning goes beyond the integration of technology in learning and educational processes. It implies new pedagogical planning and a set of skills of teachers and students. It is up to the protagonists in this process, namely the government, teachers, school principals and researchers, to co-present viable and agile alternatives for change.

Submission and Decision


Papers written in English (until 10-page limit) must follow the formatting rules for Proceedings in Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies series (see Instructions for Authors at Springer Website / Word Template).

Articles submitted in Spanish or Portuguese (up to a maximum of 15 pages) must comply with the format of RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (download instructions/template for authors in Spanish or Portuguese). Alternatively, papers written in EnglishSpanish or Portuguese can also be published in the E3-Journal or RTIC Journal (template for authors).

The version of these papers for evaluation by the Scientific Committee, saved in PDF format, must not include identification, e-mail and affiliation of the authors. This information must only be available in the camera-ready version of accepted papers, saved in Word or Latex format and also in PDF format.
These files must be accompanied by the Consent to Publish filled out, in a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management system.

Special Session site for submissions


Publication & Indexing

Papers written in English and accepted and registered will be published in Proceedings by Springer in a book of the Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies series will be submitted for indexation by ISI, EI-Compendex and SCOPUS, among others, and will be available in the SpringerLink Digital Library. 


Papers written in Spanish or Portuguese and accepted and registered will be published in a Special Issue of RISTI and will be submitted for indexation by SCOPUS, among others.

Special Session Organising Committee (Chairs):


Eusébio Costa, European Institute of Superior Studies, Portugal

Agostinho Sousa Pinto, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal


Contacts for further information:;

Special Session Scientific Committee

Adriana dos Santos Prado Sadoyama, Federal University of Catalan, Brazil

Agostinho Sousa Pinto, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

Aldina Sofia Silva, European Institute of Higher Education, Portugal

Ana Claudia Rodrigues Camões, European Institute of Higher Education, Portugal

Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso, Salamanca University, Spain

Ana Isabel Rojão Azevedo, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

Ana Paula Afonso, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

António Abreu, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal.

António Manuel Valente de Andrade, Catholic University, Portugal

António Rui Trigo Ribeiro, Coimbra Institute of Accounting and Administration, Portugal

Bruno Portigliatti, Florida Christian, Universty, USA

Cândido Alberto da Costa Gomes, IHSF & Founder of the UNESCO Chair of Youth, Education and Society, Portugal

Carla L. Blum Vestena, State University of the Midwest / Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

Catarina Freitas da Mota, European Institute of Higher Education, Portugal

Célia Maria Quitério Ramos, University of Algarve, Portugal

César Augusto Martins Miranda de Freitas, European Institute of Higher Education, Portugal

Cindy Ribeiro Vaz, European Institute of Higher Education, Portugal

Cristina Machado Guimarães, Centre for Innovation Technology and Entrepreneurship, Portugal

Enrique Vázquez-Justo, European Institute of Higher Education, Portugal

Estrela da Conceição Nogueira Paulo, European Institute of Higher Education, Portugal

Eusébio Ferreira da Costa, European Institute of Higher Education, Portugal

Fabrício Pelloso Piurcosky, Unis Group, Brazil

Geraldo Sadoyama-Leal, Federal University of Catalan, Brazil

Hadassah Laís de Sousa Santana, Brasiliense Institute of Public Law, Brazil

Humberto Medrado Ferreira, UniFase - Arthur Sá Earp Neto University Centre, Brazil

Inês Gonçalves, European Institute of Higher Education, Portugal

Íris Martins Oliveira, Catholic University, Portugal

Isabel Maria Martins Borges Santana, European Institute of Higher Education, Portugal

Jéssica Morales Gutiérrez, Autonomous University of Chile, Chile

Jorge Marques, Portucalense University, Portugal

Laurentino Romeira Guimarães, European Institute of Higher Education, Portugal

Luis Rodrigues,  Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

Marcos Cabezas González, Salamanca University, Spain

Margarida Rodrigues, European Institute of Superior Studies, Portugal

Maria de Fátima Matos da Silva, Portucalense University, Portugal

Makhabbat Ramazanova, Portucalense University, Portugal

Marina Curado Malta, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

Milena Carla de Lima Carvalho, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

Noureddine Halla, University of Saida Dr. Moulay Tahar, Algeria

Pérez Cota, University of Vigo, Spain

Pilar Martín-Lobo, International University of La Rioja, Spain

Rashed Ashqar, AIZaytona University, Palestine

Ricardo Monteiro, UNIFUTURO - Faculdades Integradas do Brazil, Brazil

Rosa Manuela Faria Martins, European Institute of Higher Education, Portugal

Sandra da Piedade Da Silva Bras, European Institute of Superior Studies, Portugal

Silvia Pradas Montilla, Alfonso X El Sabio University, Spain

Sonia Rocio Casillas Martín, Salamanca University, Spain

Srdjan Damjanovic, University of East Sarajevo, Bósnia

Susana Alexandra da Costa Martins, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

Susana Emília Vaz de Oliveira e Sá, CESPU - Porto, Portugal

Susana Sofia Pereira da Silva, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

Vidal Carvalho, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal.

Vitor Manuel Barrigão Gonçalves, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal


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